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A member registered Jun 09, 2015

Recent community posts

That sounds great! I can't wait to get my hands on it.

If you allow me to give my two cents.

I find cover art to be what first catch the eyes when looking for zines. Hence that'd be great if you could like maze rats have a cover art generated by the game itself. That would be cool as maps are greats and you would demonstrate the potential of the game without even opening it.

Anyway that's my humble take on the subject.

I hope you will again get some prime time on the dungeon dive and geek gamers channel as without their videos I wouldn't have discovered your great game!

Lastly, I accidentally stumbled upon the kickstarter page so I hope you'll be able to advertise this project.

I wish you success!

Hi, any ETA for the atlas edition kickstarter? If you can't give a precise date an approximation would be good enough!

Is it possible to have some information about this new edition?

Anyhow good luck with this project! 

I'm all for it!